Saturday, March 15, 2025
Career Featured Speaking    

Speaking in Israel

This week I’ll be giving two talks and leading a workshop at the Sela Developer Practice in Tel-Aviv, Israel.


I will be covering

I’m really excited about this conference, it’s the largest Microsoft Conference in Israel and so far is turning out great. I flew in earlier today, my host met me at the airport and drove me to the hotel where the conference will be at – awesome hospitality!


As I write this I’m sitting at the hotel restaurant over looking the Mediterranean Sea eating my dinner. It’s amazing to be in a country that I’ve heard of my whole life and now am actually here. Awesome.

Update (Monday): Thanks for everyone that came to my “10 Reasons Software Sucks” session today – here are the slides!

Update (Tuesday): Had a great turn out for “Scaling Scrum” today, thanks for all of the great conversations and interaction. Here are the slides.
Also, a local presenter got sick yesterday, and so we added “Coding Naked – TDD on the edge” as a last minute addition – I hope that everyone that attended had as a much as I did! Here are those slides.

I’m looking forward to seeing everyone in my Software Craftsmanship workshop tomorrow!

See the rest of the photos..

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