Saturday, March 15, 2025
Career Speaking 

Mentoring – a new business… and speaking!

image It’s been a while since I’ve updated my blog so I thought that I should catch everyone up to speed. I gave Six Flags my two week notice 3 weeks ago.. and started a new company last week. Someone asked me how long it took me to put together my new company, 20 years of hard work.  🙂

Introducing Proaction Mentors… although it really could be written with an optional plural form:

Proaction Mentor(s)


Obviously this is something that I’m extremely excited about! I’m also super busy with billable client work and speaking engagements (all good problems to have!) I’ll be blogging about Proaction more in the weeks to come, especially as the website launches, the business plan solidifies, and new announcements develop! (Stay up to date by Like’ing Proaction on Facebook and following us on twitter.

In the mean time – I hope to see you at some of these upcoming events!

image Improving’s Agile .NET Conf – Improving Enterprises (my good friends and former employer) hosted the Agile .NET Conference at Microsoft again this year. I was honored to be the only non-Improving person invited to speak! – April 30th

image Dallas .NET User Group’s Visual Studio 2010 Community Launch! – to celebrate the RTM (release to market) of Visual Studio 2010, the Dallas .NET UG is having an all out bash… 8 speakers in 1 night! Come see my talk:
Silverlight 4 – World Domination! – May 13

image Big (D)esign Conference is happening again! This time it’s over twice as BIG as last year! Seriously, my hat goes off to the organizers and the local DFW UPA! That put together an amazing conference last year that I was excited to be a part of (Silverlight 3: Bringing Back the Sexy) and this year, they’ve more that doubled the size and scope. Amazing! Hope you can make my strategic talk on “The 10 Practices that every developer should start right now”.  – May 28th & 29th

image Dallas Tech Fest – What could be better than last year’s inaugural Tech Fest in Dallas? Why, the second year of Tech Fest of course! Tech Fests are unique in the way that they specifically work to pull in technologies from various stacks… not just .NET – expect to see .NET, Ruby, Java, Silverlight, Flex, iPhone development as well as a healthy open conference style area. I was a little crazy and submitted 5 different talks to this event, I’m certain I won’t do all of them… but I’m looking forward to seeing what Tim picks!- July 30th

Update: This just in.. there is a “rumor” that I might present at a two day work shop style event in Dallas some time in June. Stay tuned!

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