I was recently working on another blog post (coming soon) when it occurred to me how much Improving (my employer) does in the .NET / Java / Agile and other technical communities. I thought that it would be nice to summarize some of that work here.
Why is community important?
Doubled my salary.
A different kind of COE.
It’s good to give back.
I personally think that Improving does more to support the growth of technical communities than any other consulting company in the world. That might just be me, but seriously, check out this list:
- We run and host the:
- Dallas C# SIG.
- Team System Live (Chris Tullier)
- DFW Scrum (they rotate locations)
- We co-run:
- Our people organized the
- Our people have been featured presenters at
- VS Live! Dallas (2 Presenters, 5 sessions)
- Dallas DevCare (featured presenter – Tim Rayburn)
- Tulsa Tech Fest 08 (2 presenters, 4 sessions, 1 keynote)
- Dallas Tech Fest 09 (7 speakers, 8 sessions – 3 .NET 5 Java)
- The Big (D)esign Conference 09
- Agile 2008 Conference (2 sessions)
- Tulsa School of Dev (keynote)
- Dallas Tech Fest 08 (3 speakers 4 sessions)
- Tulsa Tech Fest 07 (2 sessions)
- Houston Refresh (featured presenter)
- Dallas Refresh
- UPA Web 2.0 Usability Panel
- Multiple User Group’s across the country*
- We’ve also been requested presenters for various Microsoft events like:
- Start Spark
- MSDN DevCon
- Microsoft TechDays Dallas
- XAML Fest (Houston)
- We’ve hosted or currently host groups like:
- Dallas Ruby Brigade
- Dallas Rules User Group
- Dallas C# SIG
- DFW UPA (They rotate around from month to month)
we’ll be hosting the
- Dallas PreDevCamp (next month)
Update: (7.22.2009) Several people from Improving and the commnity have reminded me of some of the events that I missed! So here they are:
- Speaking at / or upcoming:
- Run / Host
- Dallas APLN (apln.org)
- Aggieland .NET Users’ Group (aggielanddnug.org/)
- Agile BCS (agilebcs.org)
- Speaking at and hosting
- DrupalCamp 2009! www.drupalcampdallas.org
* In addition to all of that, two of our Principals are national speaker’s for INETA, something that Improving has always supported (even though our business is really focused in the South Central Region). Tim Rayburn and I frequently speak at various .NET User Groups around the country.