Saturday, March 15, 2025

Wrong on Life

“Abortion is a foundational issue; it is not an issue like housing policy or the price of foreign oil. It always involves the intentional killing of an innocent life, and it is always, grievously wrong.” – Archbishop of Denver Charles Chaput

When I voted for John McCain and Sarah Palin I thought that it was important to recognize the historic gravity of this election and stated that I would soon post on the issues that prompted me to not support Barack Obama. the first issue being Life.

Obama is Wrong on Life

I have heard from many well meaning friends that this is just one issue. That is true, but the pursuit of life is so fundamental to America, the sanctity of life to crucial to having a culture of life, protection of the most helpless and innocent of any of us is so fundamental to who we are as a people and especially as a people that will be held accountable to God for how we vote. Yes, I am a Christian – and I don’t apologize for that.

I think that the catholic Archbishop of Denver put it best:

If we claim to be Catholic, then American Catholics, including public officials who describe themselves as Catholic, need to act accordingly. We need to put an end to Roe and the industry of permissive abortion it enables. Otherwise all of us – from senators and members of Congress, to Catholic laypeople in the pews – fail not only as believers and disciples, but also as citizens.

I hope to post on Financial Stewardship, Individual Rights, Religious Freedom and Corruption soon!

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6 thoughts on “Wrong on Life
  1. I respectfully disagree with you, speaking as one brother in Christ to another; however I think that may simply be due to my views on separation of church and state. Probably a bit on my thoughts on when life is conceived as well, but much more the former. 😉

    That being said, I give you respect for voting on a fundamental issue rather than just on superficial qualities of one candidate or the other!!

  2. I respectfully disagree with you, speaking as one brother in Christ to another; however I think that may simply be due to my views on separation of church and state. Probably a bit on my thoughts on when life is conceived as well, but much more the former. 😉

    That being said, I give you respect for voting on a fundamental issue rather than just on superficial qualities of one candidate or the other!!

  3. Hey Justice,

    Thanks for the comment. As a Canadian you might not realize that there is no separation of church and state mentioned in the US constitution. 😉 I’m frankly tired of good, moral people refusing to get involved in the direction of government by calling on some lame excuse like separation of church and state. All it takes for evil to prevail is for good people to do nothing.

    Separation is, however, implied by the First amendment, but that was specifically addressed by Jefferson in a letter to a member of his state that explained that it was a one-way wall. To keep the government out of churches, not to keep churches (or morality) out of the state. You’ll notice that congress has started with a prayer and honor to God since it’s inception, the supreme court has the 10 commandments listed on their walls, their is a national US Day of Prayer, etc…

    That being said, there are significant precedence for basing laws on moral issues. For example, we have child protection laws. The problem with this specific issue with Obama is that this dealt with children that were in fact born, as so should then be given the protection US laws. It just so happens that these children were born early as a result of a failed late term abortion. As shown in the video… this is a situation that babies have survived, and lived healthy lives… Obama voted to prevent doctors from providing the basic care that any other living person would be granted.

    As a society, it’s critical that we protect out most innocent and helpless.

  4. Hey Justice,

    Thanks for the comment. As a Canadian you might not realize that there is no separation of church and state mentioned in the US constitution. 😉 I’m frankly tired of good, moral people refusing to get involved in the direction of government by calling on some lame excuse like separation of church and state. All it takes for evil to prevail is for good people to do nothing.

    Separation is, however, implied by the First amendment, but that was specifically addressed by Jefferson in a letter to a member of his state that explained that it was a one-way wall. To keep the government out of churches, not to keep churches (or morality) out of the state. You’ll notice that congress has started with a prayer and honor to God since it’s inception, the supreme court has the 10 commandments listed on their walls, their is a national US Day of Prayer, etc…

    That being said, there are significant precedence for basing laws on moral issues. For example, we have child protection laws. The problem with this specific issue with Obama is that this dealt with children that were in fact born, as so should then be given the protection US laws. It just so happens that these children were born early as a result of a failed late term abortion. As shown in the video… this is a situation that babies have survived, and lived healthy lives… Obama voted to prevent doctors from providing the basic care that any other living person would be granted.

    As a society, it’s critical that we protect out most innocent and helpless.

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