Saturday, March 15, 2025

Tulsa Tech Fest: Opening and Closing Keynotes!

Last Friday I had the privilege of attending and speaking at the 10th annual Tulsa Tech Fest. #ttf2015

Here are my slides to the closing keynote: Get Your Hero Groove On. This is where I try to inspire people to take advantage of the super powers that we have as developers to shape our world, influence our culture and chose the practices and processes to make that happen!

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This was a fun talk – I hope I get the chance to do this again and really dig in to some of these concepts.

I’m glad people seemed to have a good time!

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This was Tulsa’s 10th TechFest… I presented at the 1st one 10 years ago, at the following one and at least 3 other Tech Fests.. including doing the lunch time keynote 3 years ago.

Morning Keynote: 10 Reasons Your Software Sucks

I was originally only going to do the closing keynote, but 2 weeks ago, the morning keynote presenter had to drop out. I was bummed about that (since he’s a friend of mine, and I was looking forward to catch up). When David asked if I could cover the morning session, I was glad to had this talk ready to go!


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Things have changed a lot in 10 years.. twitter was a lot of fun to follow through out the day!

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Although the hashtag was being used by another event in Europe at the same time.. so this came up right after the closing keynote.. I have to admit, this is about how I felt.

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Extra huge thanks goes out to David for organizing this great event 10 years in a row.. and to the whole Tulsa community for making it happen!

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