Saturday, March 15, 2025
Design and UX Featured

Tweaking my site


I’m not done yet… but I do like the changes so far.

blog_old blog_new
Old                                                              New

If you are watching my RSS feed then you might not have noticed the change. Ultimately I’m planning on merging my Health Blog and Developing UX into a single space. I’m still trying to figure out the best way to organize my content by categories. Development, Health, Family, Religion, Politics, Entrepreneurism are the categories that I’m thinking about, of course I’d still like UX, Silverlight, Speaking, CommunityCast, SixFlags, Microsoft in there… so I’ve still got some thinking to think about.

Of course, not everyone likes the change…

randypeterman randypeterman @CalebJenkins if UX is your priority DO NOT do white/grey text on dark colors. 'cept when showing people what not to do.

Well… I didn’t say that I was done yet.  What are your suggestions?

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8 thoughts on “Tweaking my site
  1. I'd take the lightest green from the banner/splash/radial gradient bit and lighten that up even further so that the background can be light with dark text on it. That may look like crap, but when I see the brightness of this comment box, I know that you can pull off something bright around it to help it fit in a bit more smoothly. The transparency of the png background makes it easier to adjust the intensity of the 'darkness'. <– not hairband reference.

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