Saturday, March 15, 2025
Featured Speaking    

I’ll be giving 2 talks at CodeMash this week

I’ve never attended CodeMash – this conference has one of the best reputations of any conference around. So I’m humbled to have been selected as a speaker, and excited to be here this week. This is a crazy good line up of people, the hardest part is all the people I want to go hear.. that are speaking the same time as me!

Thursday I’ll be speaking on Coding Naked – Unit testing those hard to reach places

This is a fun talk that has evolved over the last couple of years, and I really like hat it’s become. I go in to multiple scenarios that are challenging and give practical patterns and solutions for increasing your Unit Test coverage and effectiveness. (slides)


On Friday I’ll be talking about ways to Prototype, Collaborate and Innovate

This talk dips in to several of the techniques and “lessons learned” that we used and discovered when I lead the product design (UX) team over at GetThere (Sabre). This is a great talk for UX people, developers and product owners. Basically – anyone that needs to work with other people and improve how you communicate ideas. (slides)

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a prototype is worth a thousand meetings”
– Todd Zaki-Warfel Author of the Prototyping book.


If you’re around – please stop by and say hi! Also, stay tuned – this being my first year at CodeMash, I’m hoping to blog a little about each day just to capture my thoughts and takeaways.

See you there!

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AttributionNoncommercial Some rights reserved by Josh Holmes

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