Saturday, March 15, 2025

Some election quotes from other people.


“Kerry keeps vowing: “I will never stop at anything to hunt down and kill the terrorists.” But he will stop at the Iraqi border. Or if the French and Germans aren’t on board. Or we don’t have United Nations approval. Or it would require investigating a Muslim under the Patriot Act.”

Great quote from Ann Coulter. Very true.

“This November, my generation, which has been absent too long, must grasp that 100 years from now historians will look back at the election of 2004 and see it as the decisive election of our century.  Depending on the outcome, they will describe it as the moment America  joined the ranks of ordinary nations; or they will describe it as the moment the prodigal sons and daughters of the greatest generation accepted their burden as caretakers of the City on the Hill.”

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