Saturday, March 15, 2025

Silverlight Announced… and where the name came from.

Silverlight Logo

Yesterday Microsoft announced the official release of Silverlight. It’s the final release name of Microsoft’s new Rich Interactive Web Application Platform (formally WPF/e). It’s just like sort of like Macromedia Adobe Flash, in that it will ship as a downloadable browser plug in, but it’s different in that the design tools and development platform are more targeted at designers AND developers.

The funny thing about the new name is that I immediately thought of my friend David Silverlight (that’s not a very common name). You all know David as the guy behind Community Credit, Stupid Cubicle and Real Technology Heroes (this one is great)… and as it turns out there is a reason that the new name and David’s are the same. At first, I thought that David was pulling everyone’s leg… but I did some informal checking with some people inside of Microsoft, and as it turns out there is a string of truth to this. I don’t think that it happened exactly the way that David’s put’s it… but I did here that there might have been some sort of push internally from the DPE group to do something more than just the ACE award. Wow. This is huge! Way to go Microsoft and way to go David! It’s nice to see that some people really do get recognized for their hard work!

Some other people covering this:


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