Reg Cheramy is one of the coolest people that I have met since joining Microsoft. We were introduced by my friend Rob Zelt at the Microsoft Mix’06 conference. Reg owns a web 2.0 company and famous blog; he is also building a Web 2.0 startup called ZigTag. At the Mix’06 conference, Reg was a stand out with his power point .05 demo (Luggage “Tag” shaped flash cards) and his luggage “tag” shaped business cards. Reg is not a Microsoft developer and he would not normally have attended a Microsoft event like Mix or the Microsoft Technology Summit that I was able to get him invited to later. These two events were pretty much a “first look” at the Microsoft Stack. I thought that his comments and observations were insightful and worth noting. It’s amazing how many J2EE and PHP developers that I run in to that have no idea how well the Microsoft platform fits there needs. (time to market, security, stability, scalability, cost savings, etc) Check out Reg’s comments.
Reg (ZigTag) chimes in on the Microsoft Stack