Saturday, March 15, 2025

Redmond Next Week – MVP Summit, Party with Palermo

MVP Logo

As I mentioned previously, next week is going to be busy, too busy, it seems, to do everything that I wanted to do (like head down to Austin for SXSW, BarCampAustin and ABX!) 🙁

But that’s enough of a pity party for now…

Now, I’m really looking forward to landing in Seattle for the MVP Summit and meeting up with some old friends. As it turns out, many, many friends with be there. Jeffrey Palermo, who runs the Austin .NET Users Group and is the South Texas INETA Regional Coordinator is throwing another “Party with Palermo” event. I think that the first time that he did this was an informal dinner at TechEd 2005. That was a great event and I met a lot of great people (Yes, pictures were taken, but I don’t think that you can prove that was me ;). It looks like most of those people and a whole lot more are turning out for Jeff’s latest event. I’ll be there with my camera in hand; maybe I’ll get a chance to interview the Channel 9 guys… that would be cool.

Great job putting this together Jeff!

Party with Palermo

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