Saturday, March 15, 2025

Playing with PopFly

[Removed] 🙁

Update: So, it looks like the current PopFly site requires you to log in to the site in order to view the embedded content. The result was that everyone visiting my blog was getting re-directed to the PopFly site and getting a “page not found” error (since most people aren’t logged in to PopFly). Hopefully, this will change after the alpha/beta period. It’s too bad, because if you could see the results of about 5 minutes of playing with PopFly, you’d be telling your self that you gotta get you some of that!

Now back to your previously scheduled blog post…

I’m playing with Microsoft’s new Popfly. So far, I’m having fun. 🙂

Basically, it’s a web based site for non-developers to creating Silverlight mash-up. Pretty much everything is point and click, very easy to use, and still very flexible. You can create your own “blocks“ that then connect to other blocks (that’s where the mash-up part comes in). So, for example, you can take a sphere display or tile image view (display block) and connect it to a flickr feed block (data) and it just all works. One of the other cool parts is that you can easily share the mash up on your own web site (like here) or download and install it as a Vista Gadget. Popfly is currently in an invite only beta (alpha?) mode, but I’ve been having a lot of fun playing with it so far!

Look for the public availability soon… in the mean time, go check out: and to find out more about Silverlight.


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