Saturday, March 15, 2025

New to ASP.NET?

It seems like a lot of people have been asking me about getting started on ASP.NET a lot lately. Some have been web designers (HTML/CSS etc) and others have been coming from “other” development platforms. 🙂 I thought that I would post the suggestions that I’ve been sending out:

I would look at ASP.NET with C# or VB.NET. Specifically, I would download the free Web Developer Tool, look at Atlas (now called ASP.NET AJAX) and Blinq (BLINQ is especially nice if you have a Ruby on Rails background)

* Also, go check out these “first look” videos and the “official“ ASP.NET Developer Center.

If you’re big in to CSS compliant web sites (This should be everyone 😉 then I would also go look at the CSS Friendly ASP.NET 2.0 Adapters and the free Developer Toolbar.

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