Saturday, March 15, 2025
Career Technology

My worst career decision ever!

It looks like Brian is going to go work for Microsoft now, congratulations Brian! (I work with Brian on the INETA marketing committee)

Last month, my “absolute dream job” became available at Microsoft. More than that, the person who has that position now, emailed me 2 months ago and asked if he could submit my name as a candidate to replace him.

His words, “I wanted to make you aware of this potential opportunity as I feel you would be a strong candidate… If you are interested in having a conversation with my manager… I would be pleased to pass your contact information along to him

Wow! How cool is that! Now, don’t get me wrong, I love working for the company that I work for. They are great, but let’s face it, there’s nothing like working for the mother ship. I’ve known this person for 3 years, and have often thought what a cool job he had… Wow, I can’t begin to tell you what a huge opportunity this was… my dream job, for Microsoft, working with some of the best user group in Oklahoma, Arkansas and Texas… I love working with user groups. Did I say Texas? Ah, yeah, the job would require that I move to Dallas, no problem…. we’ve only lived in Tulsa for 3 years, ready to move, let’s go…

Except… that our children are here, they have 9 cousins that are in a 2 mile radius of our house, Rachel’s dad lives 2 miles away and we have a great church. Yeah, we love Tulsa, at least the people that are here 😉 So I didn’t even take the interview… I guess some things are more important careers. Still, it was nice to be considered.

Update: Plot twist! I did take the job with Microsoft, our family relocated to the Dallas area, and our whole family loves living here. We still visit family in Tulsa often. It’s an easy drive when we want to.

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