Saturday, March 15, 2025

Marc Mercuri will be at the TulsaCodeCamp and on – I also discover Soapbox

I just heard that Marc Mercuri is going to give a key note presentation, you know THE Marc Mercuri, at the TulsaCodeCamp next month. This is very cool – I had introduced Jim Arrowood, a friend of mine from Dollar Thrifty, to David Walker. I thought that Jim might be a good person to present at the CodeCamp. It turns out that Jim went a step further and was able to pull in Marc! You gotta love that!

Marc, being the cool guy that he is, agreed to do an interview while he was out for CommuityCast. His only request was that we host the interview in another format, in addition to QuickTime. This wasn’t a big deal since we were planning on doing that anyway… and some people have already given me a hard time about only having the pilot episodes in QuickTime format. Marc also pointed out the new service from Microsoft, SoapBox. I already knew about SoapBox, but in honor of Marc I thought I look at it again… this is the result of that exercise:

Time well spent… well spent indeed. 🙂

Video: White Nerdy

Video: PC vs Mac

Video: Axel-F – Crazy Frog (video exclusive).mpg

See you at the TulsaCodeCamp!

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