Saturday, March 15, 2025
Career Technology   

Long time, no blog – plus 6 months at Microsoft.

It’s been almost 2 months since my last blog entry. Sorry about that. I have a growing list of “things to blog about later”. It seems that no matter what I do, there is never enough time to do everything, and time keeps moving forward – no matter what I do. 🙂

One of the things that happened in since last time – my 6 month mark at Microsoft past. That’s not that big of a deal, but I thought that I would recognize it. There are a couple of things that I have learned about working for Microsoft in the last 6 months.

  1. You MUST be able to manager your self and your time. Honestly, this is an area that I continue to grow in. At Microsoft, you will never have enough time to finish everything that you *could* do. So you have to really pick and choose the critical items, and really work to be extremely efficient with you time. Also, learning what you need to do, is almost as important as learning what you need to say no to.
  2. Email on your cell phone it a life saver – if you use server side Outlook/Exchange email rules to organize certain email to folders.  At Microsoft, you get *a lot* of email… no really, a ton. Think of the most email that you have ever received in one day, multiply that by 10… no bigger, a lot bigger. I can’t believe all of the stuff that I can accomplish from my phone. True, the fact that it has a keyboard built in helps, Mobile 5 rocks, and the full outlook synchronization is nice too.
  3. People at Microsoft are passionate about Microsoft, our partners and our customers’ success. I have been a fan of Microsoft technologies for a long time now. A couple of years ago, I started doing more with people at Microsoft… that was when I started to become a fan of Microsoft – not just the technologies. Now that I work here, I am a huge fan. It’s incredible to see how far people to help other people succeed. It’s refreshing.
  4. The best is yet to come… OK, I’m sure this is cliché by now (especially coming from a Microsoft guy.), but really… VSTS Rocks, TFS – Awesome; Vista is going to be mind blowing, Halo 3 will kick some serious bum (we -in my house- don’t use the other word – doesn’t bum sound nicer anyway) and I can’t wait to see the final incarnation of the whole Expression Suite, not to mention Live, Atlas, Office 2007, and a dozen other products that are coming out in the next year that I’m sure I don’t even know about!

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