Saturday, March 15, 2025
Speaking Technology

Houston Refresh

Designer Developer Zen Slide

I had the privilege of speaking at the Refresh Houston on Wednesday.  I had a great time; they meet at the Buddha Lounge in Houston (across from the Galleria). We talked about how some of the new tools and features of the Microsoft platform help developers and designers work well together, “Developer Designer Zen”. I want to make sure and thank Erica for inviting me to present to the group. I hope that the information was useful to everyone (since speaking to mostly designers is not my *normal* audience) Also, Giovanni for driving from Dallas and taking pictures (Giovanni has the coolest license plate on his cool car… plus Christmas lights in his car when he drives… mucho enviouso!)

I was going to post the slides, but the pptx file was over 9 megs… so here is a link to the PDF version of the slide deck. Enjoy!

After the meeting we recorded a podcast that Erica says will be up soon. 🙂

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