Saturday, March 15, 2025

“Guess where I work, I’ll give you a Zune” – Hints #6 and #7

If you are just now tuning in… here’s the deal. Over the last couple of days I’ve sprinkled tidbits and hints about the company that I am now working for. Over the next couple of days I will produce a hint (or more) a day for 10 days (from Super bowl Sunday to Valentines Day).

Hint # 6 – As I said before, the new company is a Microsoft Gold Partner. I’ll add to that that they specialize in promoting agile methodologies, object oriented analysis and design (strong Java background) in .NET through training and mentoring development teams. They have a Microsoft Gold competency recognition for Learning Solutions and for SharePoint (Office Productivity)… in short they are a CPLS.

Hint # 7 – They are a training company (above), but they don’t believe in training. Here’s the thing, if you go to a traditional class, as soon as you leave the class you just lost 50% of what the instructor said. With this new company, we focus on a mixture of traditional learning combined with a project mentor for effective knowledge transfer.

This post should confirm some guesses, denounce others… and probably make you think of some more! Have fun playing this internet/blog scavenger hunt!

Happy Hunting!

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12 thoughts on ““Guess where I work, I’ll give you a Zune” – Hints #6 and #7
  1. It is either “Improving Enterprises” or “Geniant” I am partial to Improving Enterprises as my guess. What if we can get a lot of hits to you but it isn’t comeing from our blog?~Buddy Lindsey

  2. It is either “Improving Enterprises” or “Geniant” I am partial to Improving Enterprises as my guess. What if we can get a lot of hits to you but it isn’t comeing from our blog?
    ~Buddy Lindsey

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