Saturday, March 15, 2025
Career Random

Guess my job – win a Zune!

Update: The Contest is now over. Thank you to everyone that participated! Results are here! The Winner is here: Congratulations Dave!

Iโ€™m serious about this.

When I was at Microsoft I won an internal contest that scored me a Zuneโ€ฆ but I already own one. Unlike Gio, Iโ€™ve had no issues with mine and I like it! ๐Ÿ™‚ But since itโ€™s been Giovanni trying to get me to spill the beans on my new place of work, I thought it would be more fun to make a game of it.

So hereโ€™s the deal. Over the last couple of days Iโ€™ve sprinkled tidbits and hints about the sort of work that I am now doing. Over the next couple of days I will produce a hint (or more) a day for 10 days.


  1. I reserve the right to change or make up any rule at anytime.
  2. If you already know the company that I am now working forโ€ฆ then you cannot participate. (Or at least you can, but you cannot win, and it probably wouldnโ€™t be as much fun for you anyways. ๐Ÿ˜‰
  3. You can guess as often as you like, but only for 1 company at a time.
  4. All guesses must be in the form of a blog comment
  5. After the 10th day; the person that guessed the correct place will get the Zune (I will deliver it myself or pay for shipping)
  6. If more than one person guesses correctly, then I will gather all of the correct guesses and randomly draw from those. The person that guessed the correct place first will receive 3 entries in the hat to give them higher odds of winning.
  7. You will also get an extra entry for guessing correctly and posting your guess, a link to my blog, and the company that you guessed on your blog/website. (post a comment with the link)
  8. Game Starts today (February 4th, 2007 – Super Bowl Sunday) and end in 10 days (Midnight on Valentines Day)
  9. Update : Since I allow anonymous comments, make sure you include your name in your comment. ๐Ÿ™‚


I am working for a company that is headquartered in Dallas, TX

Happy Hunting!

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40 thoughts on “Guess my job – win a Zune!
  1. My first guess is the terrific consulting company from your past – Geniant. It’s probably not right, but just my first guess. ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. My first guess is the terrific consulting company from your past – Geniant. It’s probably not right, but just my first guess. ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. I can tell that Giovanno *really* wants to win that Zune. ๐Ÿ™‚ BTW – You are incredibly close with that one, but it would have been the other Dress Barn. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  4. I can tell that Giovanno *really* wants to win that Zune. ๐Ÿ™‚ BTW – You are incredibly close with that one, but it would have been the other Dress Barn. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  5. Induced Laction subject matter expert for the International Lactation Consultant Association.Am I getting too specific. I WANT that Zune.-giovanni

  6. Induced Laction subject matter expert for the International Lactation Consultant Association.

    Am I getting too specific. I WANT that Zune.


  7. Since I think you are working at BillMatrix, and it was Dr. Raj Wall that co-founded Axys Solutions that brought BillMatrix to Geniant, I will have to guess:Geniant.

  8. Since I think you are working at BillMatrix, and it was Dr. Raj Wall that co-founded Axys Solutions that brought BillMatrix to Geniant, I will have to guess:


  9. Since I think you are working at BillMatrix, and it was Dr. Raj Wall that co-founded Axys Solutions that brought BillMatrix to Geniant, I will have to guess:Geniant. Sorry, I thought I was signed in… also, how are your comments sorted?

  10. Since I think you are working at BillMatrix, and it was Dr. Raj Wall that co-founded Axys Solutions that brought BillMatrix to Geniant, I will have to guess:


    Sorry, I thought I was signed in… also, how are your comments sorted?

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