Tuesday, March 18, 2025
Featured Spiritual 

God and Star Trek

If you are looking for a technical post, feel free to move on. This post is all about walking out life with God, and is specifically for those that have ever felt undeserving of His love, forgiveness and blessings. Conversely, if you are looking for a post about life and God, but are not geek enough to be familiar with the Star Trek universe and specifically the latest movie.. you should probably move on to something else as well.

Ok, still here? Good. This is an analogy that hit me over the last couple of months and I really like it, so I thought I’d share with y’all here.

First, we must set the stage. The relationship with Capt. Kirk and Spock is an epic friendship that is iconic in nature and spans the centuries. They have gone through time together, saved each other’s lives countless times, saved multiple planets – discovered new worlds, on and on and so on.

And yet, in our story, only Spock has seen this, only he has experienced this friendship, and now he has come back in time and meets our Kirk as a much younger man, who has been thrown off of his ship, being chased by wild beasts, and left for dead on a deserted snow planet. He’s at the bottom of himself, without hope, when Spock finds him.


who are you?


I am now, and always have been, your dearest friend.


Man… I don’t even know you.

It’s interesting to me how God see’s our lives. He sees us from the finished product. He sees us from the end of time, not from the limited perspective that we stand in.

Have you ever been blown away by God’s blessings or felt undeserving of His love? God see’s what we shall be, not where we are and who we are right now. He sees us as we should be, not as we are right now, and from God’s perspective,

He is, and always shall be, our dearest friend.

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3 thoughts on “God and Star Trek
  1. I like it! It was a powerful concept, even in the movie: being known without knowing, a relationship where only one person understands the depth of connection.

  2. Brian – I know right?! Add to that that Spock wouldn’t / couldn’t reveal the all that he knew of the future to either young Spock or Kirk, “that would deprive you of the friendship that must be built together” – so many time we wish God would give us all the answers at once, when His goal is to build a lasting friendship with us that will last the ages… it *must* be built.

  3. Thanks for posting Caleb. This is an interesting observation and I appreciate the Christian dimension of your life.

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