Saturday, March 15, 2025

Fix MSN Messenger so it’s like Google Talk

A friend of mine has been really in to using google talk lately. Personally, I don’t see what all of the hype has been about… I like too many of the features in MSN Messenger. I like things like being able to transfer files, send winks, customize personal images, do audio and video, do white boarding, and application sharing, integrated games (like checkers and othello!), integration with your mobile device so that people can send IMs directly to your cell phone (favorite feature). None of these exist with google talk. With google talk you get text messaging and voice communication. That’s it. Nothing else.

But there is one feature that (I have to admit) I like about google talk. When you close a conversation and then start an IM with that same person again, your previous conversations are still right there, in other words, it’s very easy to close a conversation (because the person wasn’t responding), then when you get a response, 3 hours later, you know exactly what they are referring to and you have the whole conversation in context. I love that.

I work with a couple of people who could use some Ritalin to be brought down to a normal a.d.d. level. I get the weirdest IM’s from them, and I have to think back and realize that they are just picking up a conversation that I thought ended 3 to 4 hours ago.

So, here’s how to make this work in MSN IM: Open MSN IM, click on Tools -> Options; Go to the Messages Tab and look under the Message History section and find the two check boxes (“Automatically keep a history of my conversations“  and “Show my last conversation in New Conversation Windows“), make sure that both of those check boxes are checked… wallah, you can now deal with a.d.d!

Oh yeah, how many people with a.d.d. does it take to change a light bulb?

hmm? what? Let’s go ride bikes!

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6 thoughts on “Fix MSN Messenger so it’s like Google Talk
  1. You should check out Trillian ( It does everything you want in an IM client while uniting MSN, AIM, Y!, IRC, and ICQ all in one client. It might not have the game tie-ins, but everything else is there across all the backbones. Oh…and it doesn’t flash advertisements on your screen all day long!-todd

  2. You should check out Trillian ( It does everything you want in an IM client while uniting MSN, AIM, Y!, IRC, and ICQ all in one client. It might not have the game tie-ins, but everything else is there across all the backbones. Oh…and it doesn’t flash advertisements on your screen all day long!

  3. Yeah, but I don’t need to talk to people on AIM. 🙂 Seriously, I’m not the kind of person that run two or three IM’s just to keep in contact with “everyone”. At work I have to run Communicator, which is cool, but it bugs me that I have to run that AND MSN IM – oh well. I do think that it’s cool that MSN is joining with Yahoo, or at least allowing there users to talk to each other. The thing with Trillian, is that I really do like all of the new features with MSN IM, and Trillian is almost always a version or two behind. But I do know people who swear by it! 🙂 Oh, and yeah.. the MSN IM “ads” kinda bug me too. Why do they think that I want to date a single person, just because I’m on IM? Weird.

  4. Yeah, but I don’t need to talk to people on AIM. 🙂 Seriously, I’m not the kind of person that run two or three IM’s just to keep in contact with “everyone”. At work I have to run Communicator, which is cool, but it bugs me that I have to run that AND MSN IM – oh well. I do think that it’s cool that MSN is joining with Yahoo, or at least allowing there users to talk to each other. The thing with Trillian, is that I really do like all of the new features with MSN IM, and Trillian is almost always a version or two behind. But I do know people who swear by it! 🙂 Oh, and yeah.. the MSN IM “ads” kinda bug me too. Why do they think that I want to date a single person, just because I’m on IM? Weird.

  5. Go MSN!!Hey – why no “add comment” available under your first day at MS? I wanted to add my agreement on the cool new hire videos!! Very cool to see a quick MS movie from inception to present time.

  6. Go MSN!!

    Hey – why no “add comment” available under your first day at MS? I wanted to add my agreement on the cool new hire videos!! Very cool to see a quick MS movie from inception to present time.

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