Saturday, March 15, 2025
Design and UX Featured Technology Web  

Blog Update

The last time I updated this blog’s look was back in 2011. Over 10 years ago! Since then, not only have screen sizes changed radically, but also the need to be mobile friendly and what makes something “more readable” has changed. All of that combined led me to look at several options, and to land on this new style – based on the MagazineBook WordPress Theme – which is largely based on the Medium overall look and approach. circa 2011 – 2021 2021 (December) and beyond.

I hope to start blogging more in the new year. I’ve noticed that my blog has slowly become a list of “hey, here’s where I’m speaking“, and even that I haven’t done a good job keeping up with. I know, I know.. who doesn’t say they’re planning on blogging more?! and which years. I really really mean it this time! I hope. Honestly though, I really do hope that a new more readable layout and less cluttered layout will help me actually pull the trigger on writing more. Time will tell. Hope you like it as well!

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