Saturday, March 15, 2025

Blog topics that I’ve been meaning to write… and might eventually.


This blog post got me thinking about other things that I haven’t had time for lately. Namely, some of the topics that I really want to blog on but just haven’t had time for- and I’m not going to blame twitter. 😉 These are pretty random thoughts that I might develop in to full blog posts in the next couple of days (or weeks… who knows.)

·        Outsourcing My Social Network to Linked In

·        Keep Your Code Clean – Thoughts on Maintainable and Readable Source Code.

·        Get a Mentor – Why you should be mentored by someone. – This might become an MSDN Article… maybe.

·        The expanding community and social media.

·        Who’s Who and Why I wish that DNN Blog supported tagging!

·        Hyper Community: Twitter is the strong juice

Mostly unrelated, but definitely worth the read:

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4 thoughts on “Blog topics that I’ve been meaning to write… and might eventually.
  1. and yet another: Creating a Simple Extender for IE. (3 features that I wrote and have used for the last 1.5 years – and couldn’t live without!)

  2. and yet another: Creating a Simple Extender for IE. (3 features that I wrote and have used for the last 1.5 years – and couldn’t live without!)

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