Saturday, March 15, 2025
Design and UX Speaking   

Big Design 2013 – Prototype Collaborate Innovate, Sketching UX

Prototype Collaborate Innovate

Ok, I’m late.. like really late on posting this – so late, in fact, that the Big Design Conference 2014 is right around the corner! I realize that’s it’s been a year since I’ve updated my blog (sorry about that). A LOT has happened in the last year and I hope to post about some of those things in the near future. Until then, here at least is part of my attempt to play catch up.

Last year I spoke at the Big Design Conference. It was my 5th time speaking there. I continue to be impressed by the organizers and growth of this conference. The Big Design Conference is quickly becoming a “go to” international UX conference.

One of the highlights from me, is that I got to take my entire team to the pre-conference workshops. I attended the “Workshop Workshop” – basically the awesome Russ Unger was teaching facilitation techniques while also teaching some of the team exercises from his “Designing the Conversation” book. I’m always leery of trying to teach two different things at the same time, but Russ pulled this of beautifully.

I spoke on prototyping and collaborating, sharing some of the techniques that we were using at GetThere (I spent last year leading the UX product design team for GetThere). Here are the slides from my talk:


If you haven’t picked up Todd Zaki Warfel’s Prototyping book – go get it! Between his book and the Innovation Games book you’ll get the meat that I had to leave out of my short talk.

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