Saturday, March 15, 2025
Events Featured Speaking Technology

Attend VS Live tonight for Free!

This week I’m attending and speaking at VS Live Dallas. VS Live is the largest independent conference on Microsoft technologies in North America (and maybe in the World?). So far, I’ve met a ton a great people that are attending (from as far away as Florida and Connecticut).  The speakers this week are amazing. I’ve already sat through sessions with Jessie Liberty, John Papa, Miguel Castro, Rockford Lhotka, Richard Hale Shaw – it’s a virtual smorgasbord of marque level speakers.

People have paid big money to attend the conference this week. (I posted a discount code about 5 weeks ago), but tonight it’s free! That’s right. Anyone that wants to can come join us tonight for VSLive! After Dark Community night where you’ll be treated to an amazing panel made up of Josh Holmes, Rocky Lhotka, Jesse Liberty, Richard Hundhausen, John Papa and Richard Hale Shaw – they be covering the topic of the Future of .NET.

This going to be cool. If you’re in the Dallas area be sure to stop by The Adolphus Hotel in Dallas – Grand Ballroom A. Doors open at 6:00pm– See you then!

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