Kristian Rickard announced today that she will be leaving Geniant (my former employer) and joining the ranks of Microsoft (my current employer) in Redmond. After working with Kristian for over 4 months I can tell you this. Kristian is one of those people that you really like to work with and for. She is first class, top notch and really knows her stuff. She meets people where they are, and helps them to become better. After countless lunches, many laughs and several completed projects I can say this, Microsoft has made a great move hiring K. Even though she’ll no longer be in Dallas (what’s that about), I can’t wait to see the trouble great things that she gets involved with in Redmond. I wish her the absolute best, and can’t wait to hang out at Tech Ready, MGB, and other events where our paths might cross again. Congratulations!
Another Win for Microsoft – Kristian Rickard Moves to Redmond