Saturday, March 15, 2025


imageToday I am celebrating 13 years with my wife. Also, this week my first published chapter shipped. I need to clear up one thing. In the opening pages of the book we had the opportunity to give acknowledgements.. and so here is mine.

Caleb Jenkin’ dedicates his chapter to Rachel – my strong, confident and loving wife – I love you Hunny. Noah, Emily, Kaitlyn and Abigail – you children are amazing. I am blessed to be your father! To Proaction Mentors – thanks for the time and focus to get this done. Jef, Todd, Tony, Tim, Dave, Ken and the rest of my friends at Improving Enterprises for instilling an agile mindset and appreciation for true TDD. Craig Walls for teaching me DI, and Raymond Lewallen for introducing me to BDD. Special thanks to Microsoft and the whole MVP program. All of the MVP authors on this book, Paul and the whole staff at Wiley – thanks for pulling this thing together! Finally, my chapter is also dedicated to developers everywhere – deep in the trenches, striving to hone their skills and improve our craft – keep fighting the good fight.

For some, unknown reason, the first 2 sentences of mine were cut off when the book went to print. Sad smile So, my first printed chapter skips the nice words that I had for my wife and children. *sigh*

Happy anniversary Hunny!

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