About two years ago I started a list of open-source libraries / projects I wished existed.. and so I jotted them down as a draft in my blog. While most of these are no closer to being in existance, I was thinking about a few other projects this week and updated my list, while I’m at it.. let’s publish. I like getting fun ideas out in to the world!
March 26, 2021
- API Call Back / Web Hooks Management Micro-Service / Library
- Reference: webhooks.fyi
- Call back security options / validation
- Alerting to end point owners when URL Hooks Fail
- Notification Service System
- Support for User preferences
- Support for Message criticality
- Web UI to view (respond?), archive, (star?), notifications
- User Preferences -> Email/Txt/Web Alerting
- (In Progress) OAuth URL Shortner – a URL shortner
for enterprises that leverages OAuth for authentication, this is the reason I build FakeAuth - ✅ (Done: FakeAuth) OAuth OIDC development library – allow fake claims during development without an OIDC Server.
- Sync to Async API Middleware – Expose a long running async process using a known a-sync pattern. Support send/status/response end points with optional call back integration.
- Open API (Swagger) Stub Test Generator
Update 1/22/2023:
- ASP.NET Web API to gRPC middlewhere – extend with conventions
- Calebs.Extenstions (library based on Playing with Enums – and tick productivity extensions)
- Calebs.TestingExtensions (ILogger Moq methods)
- Calebs.IWannaTextYouUp (Interfact / Adapter for Vonage / Twilio texting)
- Calebs.IRules (for DI examples: IRules extened to DB implementation)
OK… I’m posting this to keep this fresh in my mind, for a level of accountablity, and to put these ideas out there. DM me or post in the comments if one of these sounds like something you’re working on, might already exist, and you think would be interesting too.
Happy Coding!
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