Tuesday, March 18, 2025

15 talks in 4 years. 2018, 2019 and beyond… speaking edition!

Like Inbox Zero, I'm trying to play catch up before the year starts! I like to keep a record of when I speak at places, as a nice reminder for me to look back on, and to promote events before they come up. I'm really working to stay more up to date, but honestly - over the last couple of years, I find that I've mostly been posting to LinkedIn and have been neglecting my own space. I often think about these walled gardens, as my friend Scott has said "Blog is the engine of your community" and "Why you need your own blog".  If you're following along and are already caught up on jobs - then let's jump into speaking events!  

I spoke at QL Tech Con 2018 in Detroit in person

I’ve spoken about the Detroit Tech Con in the past. It’s a massive internal conference that Quicken Loans hosts every year., They take over Detroit’s largest convention center, bring in external speakers – it’s always a great event. If you ever get a chance to present or attend, I highly recommend it. This was my second time presenting. This time I was on an “agile panel” with a number of other technologists – both internal and external. It was a great time.

I spent 3 years commuting to Detroit – not just for Tech Con, check out rest of the photos!

IT Dev Connections in Dallas – Oct 15-18, 2018 in person

IT Dev Connections

I spoke on “Code to DI For” and patterns for “Scaling Scrum to the Enterprise“. One of the highlights of this conference was that we were in downtown Dallas, and my second oldest daughter got to come hang out with me for the week. We discovered the electric scooters that we

Dallas DNUG – June 13th, 2019 in person

The Dallas DNUG is one of the longest running .NET User groups in the country! Even during the pandemic, they continued to be active – moving their meetings to an online format. I spoke on 10 Reasons your software sucks.. I’m grateful to their leadership team, friends I’ve known since 2005! They continue to invest and grow this critical group.

DFW QA Association – June 16th, 2020 – on line


One of the QA people at Solera connected me with the DFW QA Association, and I was able to present (online) at one of their sessions. I covered 10 Reasons your software sucks – a focus on 10 engineering practices every professional development team should grow in. I love finding pockets of communities and areas that I hadn’t connected with before. I really appreciated the level of engagement and feedback afterwards!

Capital One’s Beyond DFW Conference – Nov 18th, 2019 in person

The awesome Marty Cagan gave a great keynote. It was great meeting him and I loved his way of thinking about product design and innovation. It’s definitely worth checking out his book. I was also able to bring my oldest daughter to attend the sessions – what a great experience for her! I’m grateful for my friend Stephen P. Anderson for inviting me to speak and letting me talk about 10 Power Ups for Scrum. Additional photos from that day.

DBU’s Tech Talks and DBU guest lecturer (twice), in person & on-line

I’m a big fan of the dual Master’s (MSITM) degree program that Sharon and his team have put together over at DBU. He frequently brings in external speakers from the industry so that his students leave with a solid foundation of the world they are stepping in to … not just academic theory.

Over the summer (pre-covid… in the before times) Sharon hosted a number of TechTalks at their Plano campus, open to the public. This was one of my last in person events (Feb 20th, 2020) before everything was shut down due to COVID. The two guest lectures I gave were both over Zoom. For the in person session, I gave 10 Power Ups for Scrum, my two online (July 29, 2020 & April 14th, 2021) talks focused on the same topic “Process Wont Save You” – that is, while various agile processes (Scrum, SAFe, Kanban, etc) each have their own strengths and purposes – to really get the agile benefits, they work best with agile engineering practices … TDD/BDD, CI/CD, SOLID Principles etc.. they all work synergistically together! Photos from the DBU TechTalk

Unlimited Agile Conference – Nov 4th, 2021 on-line

I was honored to be included as one of the presenters at the first annual Unlimited Agility Conferences. I was able to cover 10 Power Ups for Scrum. Organized by my friends Derek Lane and David Koontz are putting together quite a community (free to join) and regular on-line events to help grow your agility. Go check it out!

Wow.. that’s a lot of talks that I missed, here are 5 more that I’ve already blogged on:

I’ll be at Code Stock in April 2020

Code Stock was canceled that year – a casualty of the pandemic. I had planned on speaking on Scrum, and was also scheduled to speak on an agile “debate” panel. This was going to be my first time at Code Stock – my wife and I were really looking forward to being there and exploring Knoxville, TN!

Here’s to 2022 being even brighter than the last two years!

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