Saturday, March 15, 2025

Speaking: 10 Reasons your Software Sucks–Denver Road Trip Edition!


This is quite possibly my most popular talk of all time.

This was the key note at the Tulsa Tech Fest, a featured talk at the Sela Developer Conference in Tel’Aviv Israel and I’ve given this talk at multiple events around the United States.  I’m excited to head to the Rocky Mountain state later this month. I’ll be speaking at the Microsoft office in Denver on June 15th, 2015 talking about the 10 Reasons your software sucks, and the practices that you need to fix it.

If you’re in the Denver area…

first go attend the Denver Dev Day event (that I’m unfortunately missing by about a week), then come to the Denver Visual Studio Users Group on June 15th.. It’s going to be a great time! See you there.


Fresh off of the European tour of “So You Think You Can Code,” * we bring you the hit sensation, 10 Practices Every Developer Needs to Start Right Now. Recently from off-Broadway, you are going to learn some new things and have a fun time learning them! (Seriously, Caleb recently gave this talk at the Microsoft office in New York… right off Broadway). Yes friends, this is the talk that kicked off a controversy at the 2010 Dallas Tech Fest, read the blog, see the slides… then come see and learn for yourself!

Based on years of consulting and working with some of the largest (and smallest) software companies in the world, these are the 10 practices that if you started doing today, would drastically improve the quality and delivery of your software!

* Caleb was never in Europe, but it’s still going to be a great session!

Topics hit on:

  • Object Oriented Principals
  • SOLID Coding
  • Security Concerns
  • Software Patterns
  • Automated Testing
  • Source Control – Branching and Merging Strategies
  • Continuous Integration
  • Agile, Scrum, XP, Lean
  • Team Dynamics
  • Continually Learning, and more

Be sure to hang around afterwards, Caleb will be around to discuss any of the areas from his talk in more detail — it’s going to be great time!

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